A1 Storage Complex FAQ

Where are you located?

We’re located at 1635 New Columbia Hwy, Lewisburg, TN 37091. You’ll find us northwest of Lewisburg near Oak Grove Elementary School.

What are your office hours?

Our Rental & Payment Center is open 24 hours.  We have a 24-hour kiosk on-site to help you rent your unit any time of the day or night. We’re available by phone from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm, Monday through Saturday. However, our website allows anybody to rent a storage space 24 hours per day from a computer or smart phone.

When can I access my unit?

You can access your unit any time you need to, 24 hours per day.

What’s the best way to rent a unit?

We offer several easy ways to get started. You can rent your unit through our website, or our 24 hour on-site kiosk.

What’s the best way to pay my bill?

You can use our kiosk on-site to pay our bill, but you don’t have to visit our facility just to keep up with your rent. You can quickly and easily pay online as well.

How do I know what size unit I need to rent?

Our self storage calculator is an easy way to determine how much storage space you’ll need.

How do I contact you if I have questions?

You’re welcome to call us at (931) 288-4015. Additionally, you can contact us through our website.

Can I store a vehicle at your facility?

Yes, we offer storage options for your boat, RV, car, or other vehicle.